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Las Vegas, NV

Flu Vaccine: Part II

This post picks up where we left off with Dr. Possner and his poem pronouncing the flu vaccine a cure.

The flu vaccine is not harmless as Dr. Possner states. He says, the vaccine “can’t make you sick.”

The CDC says otherwise. On their website is the following list of side effects:

Mild Problems:

Several mild problems have been reported with 2 weeks of getting the vaccine:

  • Headaches, upper respiratory tract (about 1 person in 3)
  • Stuffy nose, sore throat, joint pain (about 1 person in 6)
  • Abdominal pain, cough, nausea, (about 1 person in 7)
  • Diarrhea (about 1 person in 10)
  • Fever (about 1 person in 100)

Severe Problems:

More serious problems have been repeated by 1 person in 100, within 6 months of vaccination. These problems included:

  • Blood in the urine or stool
  • Pneumonia
  • Inflammation of the stomach or intestine

In addition to the aforementioned side effects from the flu vaccine, there might also be a link between this vaccine and asthma when administered to children. The prolonged effects of introducing the flu vaccine into the body may manifest itself as an autoimmune disorder later on in life. This may be especially true when administered a cocktail of immunizations in addition to the flu vaccine. Epidemiological studies have shown have shown that children receiving the flu vaccine have a higher incidence of asthma.

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