(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV

spiral strands of dna

How Trauma is Rooted Deeply In Your DNA


In the winter of 1944, a devastating famine ravaged Dutch communities in the Nazi-occupied Netherlands. After witnessing the negative effects in Dutch children born after this period of distress, British physician David J. Barker hypothesized that the environment of a fetus is not impervious to stress.

The same negative effects can be observed in the children of Holocaust and Chernobyl survivors, victims of the thalidomide tragedy and fetal alcohol syndrome, as well as in children whose mothers suffered through various other traumatic experiences during pregnancy. 

Life-altering stress can be emotional, physical, or even economic. Numerous studies have demonstrated that people who are exposed to war, food shortages, toxic chemicals, and other traumas have a greater risk of generationally poor health. 

Today’s world is afflicted with catastrophic natural disasters, heavy gun violence, and increasing political and economic upheaval; unsurprisingly, many people are physically and mentally ill. 


Imagine a strand of DNA as a string of Christmas lights. Each of the brightly lit bulbs represents individual genes. When lit, each light or gene actively produces specific cell products that contribute to cell function and display an observable characteristic in the organism. If a bulb breaks or the wire tangles and the lights go out, the gene either stops producing cell products altogether or starts producing products that are detrimental to the organism. 

Fortunately, there is a way to heal DNA that has been marred by past trauma. Part of healing involves removing stress markers from the DNA. Gene expression is how a cell responds to changes in the environment. Though DNA itself cannot be altered, the way in which DNA expresses itself can be changed. Two methods that can be used to alter DNA expression are DNA methylation and histone modification.


Acupuncture can also affect gene expression by healing illness, injury, abuse, and neglect at the epigenetic DNA level.

When an acupuncture point is placed on the body, it signals a redirection of cellular expression. In other words, acupuncture helps unravel the knotted holiday lights and repair the broken bulbs, so that the lights stay lit and gene expression continues in a favorable direction. Healing DNA’s changeable markers through acupuncture or other means eliminates the tendency of these stressors to affect individual health and personal relationships.

Holistic medical practices like acupuncture work by treating the root cause of illness rather than just the symptoms. In the spirit of giving, give the gift of health to yourself and your loved ones this holiday season by getting to the root cause of disease and starting the new year with a healthy new lease on life.

If you are interested in finding out how acupuncture and other holistic practices can improve your health and quality of life, please call Renaissance Health Centre at 702-258-7860 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Haldeman today.

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