(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV

ADD/ADHD Las Vegas

In 2004, American physicians wrote over 28 million prescriptions for ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) drugs, and by 2008 alone, this number increased substantially to over 39 million. Despite these scary-high numbers of powerful psychiatric drugs prescribed for our children, The Washington Post reported on a large, multi-center, federally funded study that “confirmed there were zero long-term differences between children who were continuously medicated and those who were never medicated” (Vedantam, 2009).
In my practice it is not uncommon to see children on two or three different psycho-active medications forADD/ADHD.  The parents of these children are upset with the side effects associated with this class of medication and are looking for a better alternative to treat their  children.  Homeopathy is a safe and effective options in treating ADD/ADHD
Numerous studies testing Ritalin have found it to be effective in the short term. The question then becomes: how does homeopathic treatment compare with it?
A study in Switzerland evaluated 115 children (92 boys, 23 girls) with an average age of 8.3 years at diagnosis of ADD/ADHD (Frei and Thurneysen, 2001). The children were first treated with an individually chosen homeopathic medicine. Children who did not improve sufficiently on homeopathy were changed to Ritalin and evaluated after 3 months. After an average treatment time of 3.5 months, 75 percent of the children responded favorably to homeopathy, attaining an improvement rating of 73 percent. Twenty-two percent of the children were treated with Ritalin and attained an improvement rating of 65 percent.
The researchers concluded that homeopathic treatment was comparable in its benefits to Ritalin — and homeopathic medicines simply do not have the side effects that Ritalin has.
At the Renaissance Health Centre we have a very high success rate in treating ADD/ADHD
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