(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV

Renae Haldeman BS OMD

An Ancient Practice Cures Modern Ailment: Fatigue

Acupuncture, a practice known to be in use  at least 3,000 years, has many practical applications. Our modern, fast-paced world that is frequently driven by lifestyle can exact a heavy toll on our health. How can we keep up when fatigue influences us with a tremendous weight? Whether emotional, mental, or physical, fatigue is most …

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DR Dhaani Renaissance Med x

Relief from Post-COVID-19 Fatigue Through Homeopathy

As a 28-year-old sports lover, I prided myself on my physical endurance and stamina. However, everything changed after I contracted COVID-19. The illness itself was a brutal battle, but the aftermath was even worse. I was left with a crushing fatigue that made it impossible to maintain my usual training regimen. Simple tasks like walking …

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Dr Soria

Why Am I So Tired?

Thyroid related fatigue and adrenal fatigue are two common conditions that can greatly impact a person’s energy levels and overall well-being. As a naturopathic doctor, it is important to understand the differences between these two types of fatigue in order to provide the most effective treatments for each individual. Thyroid related fatigue is often caused …

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Hazel Gois ND

True Stories: Understanding Your Thyroid Tests

Are you suffering from fatigue despite eating and sleeping well? Has your primary care doctor told you that your thyroid is normal? What if I told you there are more detailed tests your primary doctor likely didn’t order, and it is possible your thyroid is low? Wouldn’t you want to be sure your thyroid is …

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LaurenCapone x

True Stories: A Path to Inner Peace and Stronger Relationships

Tom came to see me because he was suffering from social anxiety and panic attacks that would affect his breathing and trigger heart palpitations. His profound fear of being sick in public  would often keep him home. It was not uncommon for his anxiety to creep up on him in the most inopportune moments, and …

True Stories: A Path to Inner Peace and Stronger Relationships Read More »


Anxiety and the Small Intestine: A Chinese Medical Perspective

Could the expression of gender confusion, or the raging maniac behind the wheel of the car that cut you off on your way home from your son’s soccer game be caused by disharmony of an organ system in the body? Traditional Chinese medicine is fascinating in regards to its tenets on mental health. Each organ …

Anxiety and the Small Intestine: A Chinese Medical Perspective Read More »

Dr Erica Soria

Hormones and our Mental Health

As a naturopathic doctor, I am often asked about the connection between hormones and mental health. It’s clear that there is a significant interaction between the two, with imbalances in hormones often leading to symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. Hormones play a crucial role in regulating brain function, mood, and overall …

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