(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV

Low NAD Linked to Chronic Fatigue and Brain Fog

In recent years, Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) has received significantly more attention as many Americans deal with long haulers from COVID-19, chronic fatigue and brain fog. NAD is a coenzyme found in every cell in our bodies. It is a derivative of vitamin B3 and an essential building block for a healthy body, mind and neurological system. NAD is utilized …

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Estrobolome – How It Can Affect Women’s Health

Many women are unaware that gut health plays a crucial role in hormone metabolism. The term “estrobolome” refers to the specific intestinal bacteria responsible for managing estrogen-specific metabolism. Even if a female is on bio-identical hormone therapy, symptoms such as weight gain, low libido, low immunity and mood disorders can occur when the gut microbiome and specific estrogen-related bacteria are in …

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DR Dhaani Renaissance Med x

Homeopathy for Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) affects many women and young girls, bringing mood swings, irritability, bloating, headaches, and fatigue before menstruation. Homeopathy can easily manage and help ease discomfort in the PMS. What are Homeopathic Treatments for PMS? Homeopathy is a safe and effective approach. It offers remedies that effectively manage PMS, providing a solution for your health …

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Renae Haldeman BS OMD

Intermittent Fasting- a Chinese Medicine Perspective

Two women visited the clinic with hormone balance issues. One is in the menopausal stage, the other of child bearing age. Both of these women struggled with anxiety, sleeplessness, and hot flashes. After some acupuncture treatments, both women’s hot flashes subsided and insomnia improved. However, they were noticing that the hot flashes and insomnia would …

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infertility rates

Infertility Treatment – a Naturopathic Approach

Infertility is on the rise and it affects both women and men. This article will focus on female infertility, however men should be aware these concepts also apply to male infertility. What Causes Infertility?  The two leading causes of infertility are hormonal imbalance and poor egg quality. Hormonal imbalance can lead to thinner uterine lining, …

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swimmers ear

Homeopathy at Home: Swimmer’s Ear

Otitis externa, or “swimmer’s ear,” is a typical summer issue in both children and adults due to prolonged moisture exposure from swimming or bathing. This leads to bacterial or fungal growth in the outer ear canal. It can also be caused by inserting foreign objects like cotton swabs or due to underlying skin conditions such …

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Mistletoe tree

Mistletoe – An Innovative European Cancer Therapy

One in 2 men and one in 2.4 women will experience cancer in their life time. As you will see in the preceding article data is showing that these numbers will only increase as younger and younger people are being affected by cancer. By the year 2030 there is an expected doubling of the cancer …

Mistletoe – An Innovative European Cancer Therapy Read More »

DR Dhaani Renaissance Med

The Sweet Relief of Allium Cepa: A Mother’s Journey to Easing Her Child’s Seasonal Allergies

When the flowers began to bloom, and the world turned vibrant green, most families celebrated the arrival of spring. For a mother of a 5-year-old, however, it marked the onset of her son’s seasonal allergies. The child’s fits of sneezes, watery eyes, and itchy throat would mar the joys of outdoor play and family picnics …

The Sweet Relief of Allium Cepa: A Mother’s Journey to Easing Her Child’s Seasonal Allergies Read More »

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