(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV

Nicole Hujer ND-RD-CNS-CSG-CLT

Free Consultation With Dr. Hujer


Dr. Nicole Hujer is a highly accomplished and dedicated licensed healthcare professional specializing in naturopathic medicine and nutrition. She is recognized as a leading expert in her field with a wealth of certifications and extensive training in various modalities.

Dr. Hujer's journey into the world of natural healing began with her passion for nutrition, eventually leading her to become a licensed Naturopathic Doctor (ND) and Registered Dietitian (RD). Her commitment to advancing her knowledge and skills is reflected in her additional certifications, including Board Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS), Board Certified Specialist in Gerontological Nutrition (CSG), and Certified LEAP Therapist (CLT), gaining expertise in food sensitivity testing.

Having graduated from the prestigious Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM) in Tempe, Arizona, Dr. Hujer acquired a comprehensive education and honed her expertise in both clinical practice and community settings. She holds a Bachelor of Nutrition Sciences and Biological Sciences from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) and a Master of Science in Applied Clinical Nutrition from New York Chiropractic College (NYCC).

With a primary focus on metabolic health, Dr. Hujer places great importance on nutrition, environmental medicine, weight loss, women's health, and gastrointestinal disorders. She is dedicated to disease prevention and health optimization through a holistic, whole-patient approach. Driven by her genuine desire to help patients find relief from their symptoms and regain their quality of life, she strives to empower individuals on their healing journey through nutrition as a means of chronic disease management.

Dr. Hujer's practice is built on the principle of addressing the root causes of health issues and supporting the body's innate ability to heal itself. By embracing each patient's unique circumstances, she provides personalized care that integrates various modalities, such as homeopathy, nutrition, acupuncture, botanical medicine, ozone, IV therapies and mind-body medicine. In addition, she is deeply committed to her patient’s overall well-being and healing.

Recognized as an expert in her field, Dr. Hujer has undergone specialized training with renowned practitioners. She trained with Dr. Shallenberger in Reno for ozone therapy, earning certifications in both ozone and prolozone. Dr. Hujer also trained with Dr. Robert Rowen for dialysis/EBOO ozone and obtained certification in this specialized therapy. She is currently enrolled in the Nashaa Winters Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health (MTIH) Metabolic Approach to Cancer Master Course, further expanding her knowledge in cancer treatment. Additionally, Dr. Hujer has advanced training in mistletoe therapy, a cancer therapy, and holds an Advanced Certification in Mistletoe Therapy.

Dr. Hujer's dedication to continuous learning is evident through her pursuit of knowledge in various domains. She underwent training with Dr. Paul Anderson and Virginia Osborne for clinical chelation and heavy metal toxicology, gaining expertise in IV therapies. Furthermore, she is a certified Mold-Literate practitioner through Dr. Jill Crista, bringing her expertise in mold illness to her practice.

In addition to her extensive professional endeavors, Dr. Hujer is a devoted family person. Outside of her work, she cherishes spending time with her husband and children. With a passion for the outdoors, they engage in activities such as hiking, biking, swimming,gardening and camping. Cooking is another shared family activity, as they enjoy creating homemade meals from scratch and utilizing herbs from their garden to craft tinctures, salves, and teas.

Dr. Nicole Hujer is genuinely dedicated to transforming lives through holistic healthcare, leveraging expertise in nutrition to impact client care.

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