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Las Vegas, NV

How homeopathy can help your teenage acne.

Troublesome Acne

We tend to think of acne as a problem with just teenagers. However, it is not uncommon to have adults in the 20’s and 30’s come in with chronic acne that just does not respond to the typical antibiotics and topical creams that dermatologist prescribe.

Julie, who is in her lat 20’s, has had acne along her jaw line for the last 10 years. Nothing seemed to work not even antibiotics. Over the years the acne had left some scaring on her face. She was treated with a combination of a homeopathic remedy and several vitamin supplements. Gradually over the next several months her acne cleared. She felt that it was at least 80% better. If she did break out the lesion healed much quicker.

Terry Pfau, DO, HMD

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