(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV


Renae Haldeman BS OMD

An Ancient Practice Cures Modern Ailment: Fatigue

Acupuncture, a practice known to be in use  at least 3,000 years, has many practical applications. Our modern, fast-paced world that is frequently driven by lifestyle can exact a heavy toll on our health. How can we keep up when fatigue influences us with a tremendous weight? Whether emotional, mental, or physical, fatigue is most …

An Ancient Practice Cures Modern Ailment: Fatigue Read More »

LaurenCapone x

True Stories: A Path to Inner Peace and Stronger Relationships

Tom came to see me because he was suffering from social anxiety and panic attacks that would affect his breathing and trigger heart palpitations. His profound fear of being sick in public  would often keep him home. It was not uncommon for his anxiety to creep up on him in the most inopportune moments, and …

True Stories: A Path to Inner Peace and Stronger Relationships Read More »


Eczema Relief: Discover Simple Solutions with Homeopathy!

Eczema is a common skin condition causing red, itchy rashes. The rash can be dry with cracks or present as bumps (papules), fluid-filled eruptions (vesicles), or pus-filled eruptions (pustules), leading to skin thickening. Itching may range from mild to severe, potentially causing bleeding when scratched. Eczema can affect a small area or spread across the …

Eczema Relief: Discover Simple Solutions with Homeopathy! Read More »

Stomach ache

Unmasking the Hidden Risks of Proton Pump Inhibitors

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) have long been hailed as a breakthrough in the treatment of acid-related disorders, providing relief for millions suffering from conditions like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and peptic ulcers. However, recent research has shed light on the long-term adverse effects associated with prolonged PPI use. As concerns grow, individuals are seeking alternative …

Unmasking the Hidden Risks of Proton Pump Inhibitors Read More »

Desert Iguana

Lessons on Managing Fevers with Desert Iguanas

“Fever is nature’s engine which she brings into the field to remove her enemy” Thomas Syndeham, 1678   For millennia, all animals have used fever to their advantage. One example are the desert iguanas. If iguanas become infected, they will seek the warmth of the sun to raise their temperature. In an experiment in which desert iguanas were …

Lessons on Managing Fevers with Desert Iguanas Read More »

homeopathic medicine

True Stories – the Healing Power of Homeopathy

In the silent corners of life’s battles, skepticism unfolds into unexpected healing. A 45-year educator and mother struggling with chronic fatigue, headaches, and sleeplessness discovers unexpected healing in homeopathy. Her journey with chronic fatigue, persistent headaches, and sleeplessness had left her exhausted physically and emotionally, which also hindered her from spending quality time with her …

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COVID Booster and Informed Consent

In the 38+ years of my medical practice I have seen numerous cases of ASD (autism spectrum disorder) directly related to childhood vaccinations.  I say directly because within days of receiving a vaccine the child that had been progressing through their developmental milestones for their first 1-3 years suddenly regressed, typically losing speech and eye …

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Why Your Gallbladder Symptoms May Persist After Removal

First it is important to understand the function of the gallbladder. The gallbladder is an important organ related to digestive function in the body, working with the liver to ensure proper breakdown and absorption of fats. Its primary role is to concentrate and store bile created in the liver. It then releases bile into the …

Why Your Gallbladder Symptoms May Persist After Removal Read More »

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