(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV

Dr. Terry Pfau DO, HMD

Dr. Pfau is licensed in Nevada to practice both general medicine, as well as homeopathy. READ FULL BIO

swimmers ear

Homeopathy at Home: Swimmer’s Ear

Otitis externa, or “swimmer’s ear,” is a typical summer issue in both children and adults due to prolonged moisture exposure from swimming or bathing. This leads to bacterial or fungal growth in the outer ear canal. It can also be caused by inserting foreign objects like cotton swabs or due to underlying skin conditions such …

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Mistletoe tree

Mistletoe – An Innovative European Cancer Therapy

One in 2 men and one in 2.4 women will experience cancer in their life time. As you will see in the preceding article data is showing that these numbers will only increase as younger and younger people are being affected by cancer. By the year 2030 there is an expected doubling of the cancer …

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Dr Terry Pfau

Real Stories: Oppositional Defiant Disorder – A Story of Defiance

From a very young age 8 year old Luke had always been moody, irritable and defiant. The moodiness and irritability his parent could handle. But it was his defiant behavior that caused his parent to bring him to see me. Almost without fault when his mother asked him to do something, whether it was to …

Real Stories: Oppositional Defiant Disorder – A Story of Defiance Read More »

Alternative Cancer Therapies – Fever and Mistletoe

As I mentioned in my previous article titled “Lessons Learned from Managing Fever with Desert Iguanas” there is an inverse relationship between the number of fevers a person has had and the likelihood that they will get cancer. Taking this concept one step further, fevers can be an effective alternative treatment for cancers. This concept …

Alternative Cancer Therapies – Fever and Mistletoe Read More »

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