(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV

Dr. Terry Pfau DO, HMD

Dr. Pfau is licensed in Nevada to practice both general medicine, as well as homeopathy. READ FULL BIO

Alternative Cancer Therapies – Fever and Mistletoe

As I mentioned in my previous article titled “Lessons Learned from Managing Fever with Desert Iguanas” there is an inverse relationship between the number of fevers a person has had and the likelihood that they will get cancer. Taking this concept one step further, fevers can be an effective alternative treatment for cancers. This concept …

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Desert Iguana

Lessons on Managing Fevers with Desert Iguanas

“Fever is nature’s engine which she brings into the field to remove her enemy” Thomas Syndeham, 1678   For millennia, all animals have used fever to their advantage. One example are the desert iguanas. If iguanas become infected, they will seek the warmth of the sun to raise their temperature. In an experiment in which desert iguanas were …

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Is Holistic Medicine More Effective AND Less Expensive?

Common Homeopathic Remedies for Fevers

The following are common homeopathic remedies for treating fevers. Aconite Sudden rapid onset especially when brought on by exposure to cold weather Restless, anxious with fear of death “I feel like I’m dying” Compare: Arsenicum alb  is also thirsty, chills with red hot face, restless, anxious but  aconite is more robust,  Arseniucm more prostrated Belladonna …

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nutrition genome double helix

Optimizing Your Health with Nutrition Genome Testing

As a Dietitian and Physician, I believe nutrition is the most important aspect of our health. Every chronic disease, cancer and many symptoms are influenced by our nutrition. As research continues to advance, we have learned which foods to eat and which ones to avoid. Most of us know what a healthy diet looks like, …

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Food and Mood

Food and Mood

Food and mood go hand in hand. What you eat affects your mood — and your mood also affect what you feel like eating. If you’ve ever used ‘donut therapy’ to survive a breakup, you know how emotional distress can drive you toward sweets + fats. What you might not know is that comfort foods like …

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