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#8 Revealed Secret of Health from the 12th Century

This entry is part 9 of 10 in the series Health Secrets From The 12th Century


Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon, also known as Maimonides, lived in the 12th century. During his time, information was recorded on scrolls or passed down verbally. It is unlikely that the general population had access to Maimonides’ medical texts, though the aristocratic society likely did. Today, nearly everyone can access the wealth of information provided by ‘ Dr. Google’ making Maimonides’ eighth health secret even more pertinent today than it was in his time. He says: 

”Any intelligent person can study medical literature and understand when or when not to use various treatments. What is so difficult even for a skilled physician is to apply this knowledge in individual cases.”


Frequently, prospective patients read information online about a novel therapy, like intravenous ozone therapy, and call to schedule an appointment with their mindset on this particular therapy. After discovering their health concerns, it quickly becomes apparent that there are more effective and less expensive ways to help. While some patients heed my advice, other patients still insist on receiving ozone therapy. While these patients can undergo ozone therapy without detriment, the result they are hoping for cannot be guaranteed.

Other times, patients arrive at their appointments with a shopping bag full of supplements that they have accumulated over time after reading online about how various products can help them feel younger and healthier or alleviate their illness. Though the information generated from nutraceutical companies can be enticing, many of these products are overrated or of no benefit.


Maimonides believed that the difficult part of practicing medicine is the application of knowledge to individual cases. Allopathic medicine categorizes each patient into a diagnostic box, whereas the hallmark of complementary medicine is the recognition that each patient is unique in their nature and in their symptoms. Early in my career, I helped some patients using allergy desensitization and elimination. At this time, most patients were unaware that their food sensitivities could affect their physical health. 

After I graduated medical school, I began studying all-natural therapeutic modalities after realizing my inadequacies in holistic medicine. Medical school covered nutrition in a one-hour class with the blanket premise that vitamins and supplements are wholly unnecessary. My first endeavor was a two-year course in acupuncture at UCLA, followed by a three-year course in classical homeopathy at the Hahnemann College of Homeopathy in Berkeley, California. These two systems of medicine transformed my practice and allowed me to use holistic methods more effectively to treat my patients. I continued to learn additional holistic methods with the hope that the more I knew, the more patients I would be able to help. 


Because each person is unique, each illness is also unique. Textbooks can provide a limited education, but a physician must treat thousands of patients over many years to reach proficiency in curing illness. Renaissance Health Centre offers an individualized, holistic approach to healthcare curated by highly experienced practitioners. Call 702-258-7860 to schedule an appointment to reclaim your health today.  

Copyright © 2022 Terry Pfau D.O. H.M.D. All rights reserved.


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