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Las Vegas, NV

Female Viagra

The first drug to treat low sexual desire in women will be on the market next year.   It will be sold under the name Addyi and will need to be taken every day whether or not they want sex.  However, it seems to carry more side effects than benefits.

The FDA has already rejected it twice over concerns its side effects of sleepiness, drops in blood pressure and fainting.  And its effects on sexual desire are limited: on it, couples have sex an average of once a month extra, up from two to three times a month.

The cause of low libido in women is multi-faceted and is unlikely to be fixed with a single pill.  The solution varies depending on what phase of life women are in.  For those women in menopause restoring hormonal balance with bio-identical estrogen, progesterone and testosterone usually plays a key role.  For women, who after giving birth find that there is an emotional indifference towards her spouse homeopathic treatment will often restore balance to libido.  The solutions to low libido are as varied as are the women who are experiencing the problem.


Terry Pfau DO, HMD

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