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Taking More Steps Every Day Is Linked To Longevity

Taking More Steps Every Day Is Linked To Longevity

It’s worth the effort to fit more steps in your day, regardless of your pace.  In a 4-year study of almost 5,000 people who were at least 40 years old, scientists found an association between how many steps a person takes and the risk of dying.  They did not find a link between mortality risk and the intensity or pace of the steps.  The differences are dramatic, as shown below.

Steps Per Day <4,000 4,000-7,999 8,000-11,999
Mortality Rate Per 1,000 People 76.7 21.4 6.9

While the study suggests that more steps may lower the risk of mortality, the study acknowledged it is also possible that people who are healthier to begin with take more steps.

Terry Pfau DO, HMD

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