(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV


Hazel Gois ND

True Stories: Understanding Your Thyroid Tests

Are you suffering from fatigue despite eating and sleeping well? Has your primary care doctor told you that your thyroid is normal? What if I told you there are more detailed tests your primary doctor likely didn’t order, and it is possible your thyroid is low? Wouldn’t you want to be sure your thyroid is …

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Dr Erica Soria

Hormones and our Mental Health

As a naturopathic doctor, I am often asked about the connection between hormones and mental health. It’s clear that there is a significant interaction between the two, with imbalances in hormones often leading to symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. Hormones play a crucial role in regulating brain function, mood, and overall …

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DR Dhaani Renaissance Med

True Stories- Relief for Stress and Anxiety through Homeopathy

A young woman in her mid-30s came to seek a solution for her emotional stress and anxiety that gripped her heart like a vise, and despair clouded her every thought. The breaking point came in her life when her beloved grandmother passed away. The loss was devastating, leaving her drowning in a sea of grief. …

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Is Holistic Medicine More Effective AND Less Expensive?

Common Homeopathic Remedies for Fevers

The following are common homeopathic remedies for treating fevers. Aconite Sudden rapid onset especially when brought on by exposure to cold weather Restless, anxious with fear of death “I feel like I’m dying” Compare: Arsenicum alb  is also thirsty, chills with red hot face, restless, anxious but  aconite is more robust,  Arseniucm more prostrated Belladonna …

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homeopathic medicine

True Stories – the Healing Power of Homeopathy

In the silent corners of life’s battles, skepticism unfolds into unexpected healing. A 45-year educator and mother struggling with chronic fatigue, headaches, and sleeplessness discovers unexpected healing in homeopathy. Her journey with chronic fatigue, persistent headaches, and sleeplessness had left her exhausted physically and emotionally, which also hindered her from spending quality time with her …

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True Stories – How Acupuncture Transformed a Busy Mom’s Life

All she wanted to do was help her kids during concert season. But her chronic fatigue and excruciating leg pain were causing her to feel discouraged and worn down. When she walked up the stairs in her home, the 46-year-old mother of 3 felt like her quads were being ripped from her bones. How could …

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nutrition genome double helix

Optimizing Your Health with Nutrition Genome Testing

As a Dietitian and Physician, I believe nutrition is the most important aspect of our health. Every chronic disease, cancer and many symptoms are influenced by our nutrition. As research continues to advance, we have learned which foods to eat and which ones to avoid. Most of us know what a healthy diet looks like, …

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Why Your Gallbladder Symptoms May Persist After Removal

First it is important to understand the function of the gallbladder. The gallbladder is an important organ related to digestive function in the body, working with the liver to ensure proper breakdown and absorption of fats. Its primary role is to concentrate and store bile created in the liver. It then releases bile into the …

Why Your Gallbladder Symptoms May Persist After Removal Read More »

Chelation Therapy Las Vegas

Chelation, Part 1: What It Is and Where It Came From

Chelation therapy was originally created to remove heavy metals from the body following acute heavy metal exposure. In natural medicine, chelation is used to treat other conditions such as heart disease and emphysema and therefore, is sometimes considered controversial. The first part of this series discusses what chelation is and how it was accidentally found …

Chelation, Part 1: What It Is and Where It Came From Read More »

depression fatigue woman

Is Your Fatigue Actually Depression in Disguise?

When someone says, “I’m tired”, it doesn’t always mean that the person lacks sleep or is exhausted from strenuous, physical activity. Depression and fatigue share many of the same symptoms. Some patients who suffer from depression report fatigue, or simply mention “feeling tired” because they do not recognize these symptoms as signs of depression. In …

Is Your Fatigue Actually Depression in Disguise? Read More »

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